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The Windrush

A Movement of People, Family, Community, Culture & Life

The Windrush

Windrush History

A period of migration between 1948 to 1971 of Caribbean families and workers who initially arrived on the ship MV Empire Windrush, as a response to post-war labour shortages in the UK. The first arrivals disembarked in Tilbury Docks, Essex on 22 June 1948.

The passengers were mostly from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and some other Commonwealth Countries. The ship carried 492 passengers, both adults and children.

The Windrush Festival

Windrush Festival

The Radiate Windrush Festival is a Festival of Music, Arts, People, Food, Media & Real Vibes - Empowered by the Community 

Windrush Mural

The Radiate Windrush Festival delivered the first large scale digital mural to commemorate the windrush

The Windrush Legacy Portrait

Windrush Legacy

The Windrush Legacy Portrait is a collage of your photos and ours

Want to Volunteer with us?

If you would like to join our events or foundation team please give us a shout
